Routines, variables and structures related to FlashApps.
Note: this header is currently VERY incomplete.
On AMS 2.xx and 3.xx, FlashApps enable tighter integration to AMS than ASM
programs enable: FlashApps can extend AMS, e.g. by exporting multiple TI-BASIC
functions, and override various aspects of AMS (e.g. the language, or the font
used by character drawing functions).
GCC4TI cannot currently generate FlashApps, but mixed mode operation with
TIFS should be possible.
void EV_quit (void); |
Switches from the current application to the Home application.
unsigned char *OO_GetEndOfAllFlashApps(void); |
Returns a pointer to the first word-aligned byte after the last FlashApp.
This function calls OO_GetFirstFlashAppSectorAddress,
and then loops through the FlashApps, using the CFILE filled
by OO_GetFirstFlashAppSectorAddress.
The first sector after the last sector reserved for FlashApps is the first archive memory sector.
unsigned char *OO_GetFirstFlashAppSectorAddress(CFILE *certfile); |
Fills given CFILE and returns a pointer to the first byte of the first sector reserved for FlashApps.
After execution of this ROM_CALL, certfile contains the following information:
certfile->Start = ROM_base+0x12000
certfile->Pos =
end of AMS code, rounded up to the next multiple of 64 KB (= return value of the ROM_CALL).
certfile->End = FlashMemoryEnd
certfile->EOFVal = FALSE
At least one 64 KB sector is reserved for FlashApps in the Flash Memory. The first such sector is the first sector after the end of the AMS code.
See also: EM_getArchiveMemoryBeginning, OO_GetEndOfAllFlashApps
unsigned long OO_GetFlashAppSize(short TaskID); |
Returns the size of a FlashApp given its task ID.
On AMS 2.xx, the task ID of a FlashApp can be retrieved with EV_getAppID.
See also: EV_getAppID